A Simple Way to Enhance Creativity

One of the best things you can do to enhance creativity is also one of the simplest, and that is to just clear your head.

A Simple Way to Enhance Creativity

Yes, it almost sounds too simple to be a real method of enhancing your creativity, but the truth is, few things will enhance creativity faster than this simple act. If you think about it, it actually makes a lot of sense. There’s only so much room in your head to focus on things (consciously anyway). So it stands to reason that in order to be creativity inspired, you need to make room in your head to allow those creative ideas to enter and flourish in your mind.

A Clear Head Will Enhance Creativity Better Than a Cluttered Head

A cluttered head is like a cluttered house. When things are cluttered, you never feel relaxed, and if you never feel relaxed, creative ideas are not as forthcoming. A clear head is the greatest creativity tool you can have. It’s like a blank sheet of paper just waiting to be turned into something beautiful like a painting, a book, a song, etc. But you need to have that room in your head to allow those creative ideas in. Creativity needs space to blossom.

A Simple Way to Enhance Creativity

I find that when my head is “cluttered” not only does my flow of creative ideas slow down, but I also don’t work as well in general on anything I’m trying to do at the time. As soon as I clear out my head, my flow of creative ideas doubles. My work quality increases. And I’m also able to work out problems on things I might have been mulling over before. Things like how that woman can kill her husband without her neighbors getting suspicious… (relax people, it’s for a novel).

This clearing your head applies not only to mundane tasks like contemplating how dirty the house is and that meeting with your boss next week, but also to creative ideas themselves. If you keep rolling that great sci-fi novel around in your head, you’re likely to just keep thinking about the same details without it ever going anywhere. And all the space that idea is taking up in your head might not leave room for that random idea for that fantasy epic to manifest inside your head. Enhance creativity in your head by clearing it out.

Write it Down

So how does one go about clearing their head? Write it down of course. Write down EVERYTHING. Every little thing in your head, no matter how stupid or pointless it may be. Just write it all down and get it out of your head. Write down that friend you still want to go see sometime. Jot down those random song lines you’ve come up with, even though they don’t have a theme yet. Scribble those story ideas, those household items that have to be cleaned, that car that needs to be serviced. Just write it all down, the mundane and the creative. It’ll be easier to decide what’s important and what’s not later on once your head is clear.

I’ve even found that writing down your ideas allows you to develop them right as you’re writing them down. You might find you have a rush of details emerging about that otherwise simple story idea the minute you transfer it to paper. Once you get an idea of your head, it’s like it becomes “alive,” and new details just keep forming. I’ll say it again, you enhance creativity in your head best by simply clearing it out.

A Simple Way to Enhance Creativity

At my house, I keep a large dry erase board next to my bed (because a lot of my best ideas come at night, and if I don’t write them down, I can’t fall asleep). Several times a day, I go through and write things on the dry erase board to help keep my head clear. It’s not only good for my creativity, but it’s a clean and neat way to do it. It keeps it all in one place, rather than on a bunch of little pieces of paper. I used to have a huge pile of papers from writing everything down all the time. The switch to the dry erase board was such a lifesaver. And as a bonus, it’s nice and Eco-friendly too.

Organize It!

Of course writing everything down doesn’t mean much if you don’t do anything with all of that. So at some point, you’ll have to make time to sort all that stuff that came out of your head. Put those things you need to do and those appointments you need to make on your calendar. Put those story or song ideas into files on your computer so you can add to them later. I actually have it in my weekly planner to clean off my dry erase board once or twice a week. It’s definitely something you need to schedule in if you want to keep clearing your head an easy task.

Once you succeed in getting your head clear of that “stuff” swirling around in it, watch it enhance creativity in your life!

By Amber Reifsteck, The Woodland Elf

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The Woodland Elf

Hey there! I'm Amber, The Woodland Elf. I'm here to teach you how to make cool stuff without spending a lot of money on it. From kick-ass costumes and fun craft projects to off-the-grid living, and organic gardening tutorials, you can learn how to "DIY Your Life," and maybe even help make the planet a little greener in the process. I post new tips and tutorials every week, so check back often.

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